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- Commoncrypto
- Hardcoded-iv
- Hardcoded-pbkdf2-passphrase
- Hardcoded-realm
- Hardcoded-salt
- Hardcoded-symmetric-key
- Insecure-crypto-aes-keysize
- Insecure-crypto-algorithm-blowfish
- Insecure-crypto-algorithm-des
- Insecure-crypto-algorithm-rc4
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- Insecure-hashing-algorithm-md4
- Insecure-hashing-algorithm-md5
- Insecure-hashing-algorithm-sha1
- Insufficient-pbkdf2-work-factor-sha1
- Insufficient-pbkdf2-work-factor-sha256
- Insufficient-pbkdf2-work-factor-sha512
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Hardcoded salt
Cryptographic operations were identified that leverage a hardcoded salt/nonce. A salt does not need to remain secret, but should be random, generated from cryptographically secure sources of entropy, such as an CSPRNG. On iOS/macOS platforms, secure random data can be obtained via the SecCopyRandomBytes
API available from RandomizationServices.
Likelihood: MEDIUM
Confidence: HIGH
- CWE-323: Nonces should be used for the present occasion and only once.
- A02:2021 - Cryptographic Failures