
Enhance your workflow by integrating Jira with CodeAnt AI to automatically create tickets directly from the CodeAnt dashboard.

How to Configure

Follow these steps to set up the integration:

1. Generate an API Token

  • Visit: Atlassian API Tokens
  • Create a new API token by clicking on Create API Token and following the prompts.
  • Copy the generated token and keep it handy for the next steps.

2. Obtain Your Project Key

  • Create a new project in Jira or select an existing one.
  • Locate the project’s key (a short identifier for your project).

3. Set Up Integration in CodeAnt AI

  • Log in to your account at app.codeant.ai.
  • Navigate to Settings > Jira Integration.
  • Enter the following details:
    • Username: Your Jira-associated email address.
    • Project Key: The key obtained in step 2.
    • Atlassian URL: Your Jira instance URL, including https:// (e.g., https://yourcompany.atlassian.net).
    • Access Token: Paste the API token from step 1.
  • Click Save to apply the settings.

You’re All Set!

You can now create Jira issues directly from the CodeAnt AI dashboard, streamlining your ticket creation process and improving productivity.