
CodeAnt AI provides detailed reports for your repositories, highlighting critical antipatterns and vulnerabilities. These comprehensive reports offer valuable insights into the health and security of your codebase.

How It Works

  1. Select Repository: Choose the repository you want to analyze.
  2. Download Report: Click to download summary report or full report

Summary Report

  • Issue Overview and Counts: The summary report provides an overview of all detected issues along with their respective counts.
  • Executive-Level Insights: This report assists executives in quickly identifying any high-severity issues that may require immediate attention.
  • Included Content: It covers antipatterns, SAST (Static Application Security Testing) issues, and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) issues.

Full Report

  • Detailed Issue Information: This comprehensive report includes detailed information about each individual issue detected.
  • Developer Collaboration Enhancement: It facilitates better collaboration among developers by allowing them to share detailed reports.
  • Included Content: The report encompasses SAST issues, IaC issues, and antipatterns.


For a detailed use case and step-by-step guide on how to utilize the reporting feature, check out the below demo.