
CodeAnt AI enhances your coding experience by automatically generating accurate typehints as you write code. This feature ensures your code is well-typed, improving readability, maintainability, and reducing potential bugs.

Key Features

  • Automatic Docstring Generation: Generate docstrings effortlessly by clicking the refactor button on a function and then selecting the generate docstring option.
  • Language Support: Currently supports Python. Support for additional languages is coming soon.
  • Class Typehint Support: (Coming Soon) Generate typehints for classes to ensure comprehensive documentation.

How It Works

  1. Select Function: Click on the refactor button for the function you want to add typehints.
  2. Generate Typehints: Click on the generate typehints button to automatically create accurate typehints.


  • Improved Code Quality: Ensure your code is well-typed, which enhances readability and maintainability.
  • Reduced Bugs: Accurate typehints help in catching type-related errors early in the development process.
  • Efficient Workflow: Save time and effort by automating the generation of typehints, allowing you to focus more on coding.


For a detailed use case and step-by-step guide on how to utilize the Typehints Generation feature, check out our demo.