Configure CodeAnt AI pull request review for Github and Bitbucket
GitHub Users
For GitHub users, simply install the CodeAnt AI app. The necessary webhooks will be configured automatically. From the next pull request onwards, your pull requests will be reviewed by CodeAnt AI.
Bitbucket Users
For Bitbucket users, simply install the CodeAnt AI app. The necessary webhooks will be configured automatically. From the next pull request onwards, your pull requests will be reviewed by CodeAnt AI.
We have also made a video for this whole process that you can follow.
Gitlab Users
Gitlab users need to configure two webhooks for different pull request events:
Add Webhooks:
Repository Settings: Select project -> Settings -> Webhooks -> Add new webhook
Webhook for Pull Request Events:
- Title: CodeAnt AI Webhook for Pull Request Events
- URL:
- Trigger: Merge request events
- Enable SSL verification: Check
Webhook for Pull Request Question Answering:
- Title: CodeAnt AI Webhook for Pull Request Question Answering
- URL:
- Trigger: Comments
- Enable SSL verification: Check
Configure Access Tokens:
Access token type - You can create group level or project level access tokens
Project access token settings: Select project -> Settings -> Access tokens
Group access token settings: Select group -> More -> Group settings -> Settings -> Access tokens
Access Token Details:
- Name: CodeAnt AI
- Expiry date: Ideally 1 year
- Role: Developer
- Scopes: api, write_repository
Add Repositories/Projects:
- Sign In: Go to -> sign in with Gitlab
- Settings: Navigate to Settings -> Add Repos
- Add Project: If the access token is of project then add group/subgroup/project
- Add Group: If the access token is of group then add group
- Add access token and save
Your pull requests will now start being reviewed by CodeAnt AI.