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Shared naming conventions allow teams to collaborate efficiently.
This rule raises an issue when a struct name does not match a provided regular expression.
The convention in Go is to use mixedCaps rather than underscores. See Go documentation for the complete naming conventions.
Note that the casing of the first character determines if the type is exported or not.
For example, with the default provided regular expression ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$
, the struct:
type my_struct struct {...}
The size of a collection and the length of an array are always greater than or equal to zero. Testing it doesn’t make sense, since the result is always true
if len(myArr) >= 0 { ... } // Noncompliant: always true
var result = len(myArr) >= 0 // Noncompliant: always true
For example, with the default provided regular expression ^(_|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$
, the function:
func execute_all() {
The repetition of a unary operator is usually a typo. The second operator invalidates the first one in most cases:
var a int = 1
var flag bool = true
var a1 int = ^^^a // Noncompliant: equivalent to "^a"
var flag2 bool = !!!flag // Noncompliant: equivalent to "!flag"
It can be extremely confusing when a for condition tests a variable which is not updated inside the for
post statement.
for i := 1; i <= 10; j++ { // Noncompliant
// ...
Putting multiple statements on a single line lowers the code readability and makes debugging the code more complex.
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::{noncompliant}[]
Write one statement per line to improve readability.
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::{compliant}[]
if condition { doSomething() } // Compliant by exception
The complexity of an expression is defined by the number of &&, || and condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse
operators it contains.
A single expression’s complexity should not become too high to keep the code readable.
if (((condition1 && condition2) || (condition3 && condition4)) && condition5) { ... }
var letters = make(map[string]string)
letters["a"] = "Apple"
letters["a"] = "Boy" // Noncompliant
var towns = make(map[int]string)
towns[i] = "London"
towns[i] = "Chicago" // Noncompliant
A loop with at most one iteration is equivalent to the use of an `if statement to conditionally execute one piece of code. No developer expects to find such a use of a loop statement. If the initial intention of the author was really to conditionally execute one piece of code, an if statement should be used instead.
At worst that was not the initial intention of the author and so the body of the loop should be fixed to use the nested return, break or throw` statements in a more appropriate way.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { // noncompliant, loop only executes once
Development tools and frameworks usually have options to make debugging easier for developers. Although these features are useful during development, they should never be enabled for applications deployed in production. Debug instructions or error messages can leak detailed information about the system, like the application’s path or file names.
import "runtime/debug"
_, err := funcThatFails()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error calling funcThatFails: %v\n", err)
debug.PrintStack() // Sensitive
A boolean literal can be represented in two different ways: {true} or {false}. They can be combined with logical operators ({ops}) to produce logical expressions that represent truth values. However, comparing a boolean literal to a variable or expression that evaluates to a boolean value is unnecessary and can make the code harder to read and understand. The more complex a boolean expression is, the harder it will be for developers to understand its meaning and expected behavior, and it will favour the introduction of new bugs.
if boolFunc() || false {
// ...
flag := x && true
Integer literals starting with a zero are octal rather than decimal values. While using octal values is fully supported, most developers do not have experience with them. They may not recognize octal values as such, mistaking them instead for decimal values.
func printTen() {
myNumber := 010 // Noncompliant. myNumber will hold 8, not 10 - was this really expected?
Using pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) is security-sensitive. For example, it has led in the past to the following vulnerabilities:
When software generates predictable values in a context requiring unpredictability, it may be possible for an attacker to guess the next value that will be generated, and use this guess to impersonate another user or access sensitive information.
import "math/rand"
a := make([]byte, 10)
rand.Read(a) // Sensitive
Nested code - blocks of code inside blocks of code - is eventually necessary, but increases complexity. This is why keeping the code as flat as possible, by avoiding unnecessary nesting, is considered a good practice.
Merging if statements when possible will decrease the nesting of the code and improve its readability.
if condition1 {
if condition2 { // Noncompliant
fmt.Println("Hello World")
An empty {operationName} is generally considered bad practice and can lead to confusion, readability, and maintenance issues. Empty {operationName}s bring no functionality and are misleading to others as they might think the {operationName} implementation fulfills a specific and identified requirement.
There are several reasons for a {operationName} not to have a body:
It is an unintentional omission, and should be fixed to prevent an unexpected behavior in production.
It is not yet, or never will be, supported. In this case an exception should be thrown.
The method is an intentionally-blank override. In this case a nested comment should explain the reason for the blank override.
func shouldNotBeEmpty() { // Noncompliant - method is empty
func notImplemented() { // Noncompliant - method is empty
func emptyOnPurpose() { // Noncompliant - method is empty
Clear-text protocols such as `ftp, telnet, or http lack encryption of transported data, as well as the capability to build an authenticated connection. It means that an attacker able to sniff traffic from the network can read, modify, or corrupt the transported content. These protocols are not secure as they expose applications to an extensive range of risks:
sensitive data exposure
traffic redirected to a malicious endpoint
malware-infected software update or installer
execution of client-side code
corruption of critical information
Even in the context of isolated networks like offline environments or segmented cloud environments, the insider threat exists. Thus, attacks involving communications being sniffed or tampered with can still happen.
For example, attackers could successfully compromise prior security layers by:
bypassing isolation mechanisms
compromising a component of the network
getting the credentials of an internal IAM account (either from a service account or an actual person)
In such cases, encrypting communications would decrease the chances of attackers to successfully leak data or steal credentials from other network components. By layering various security practices (segmentation and encryption, for example), the application will follow the defense-in-depth principle.
Note that using the http` protocol is being deprecated by major web browsers.
In the past, it has led to the following vulnerabilities:
import "net/http"
response, err := http.Get("") // Sensitive
The use of parentheses, even those not required to enforce a desired order of operations, can clarify the intent behind a piece of code. However, redundant pairs of parentheses could be misleading and should be removed.
func foo(a bool, y int) int {
x := ((y / 2 + 1)) // Noncompliant
if a && ((x+y > 0)) { // Noncompliant
return ((x + 1)) // Noncompliant
Using the same value on both sides of a binary operator is a code defect. In the case of logical operators, it is either a copy/paste error and, therefore, a bug, or it is simply duplicated code and should be simplified. In the case of bitwise operators and most binary mathematical operators, having the same value on both sides of an operator yields predictable results and should be simplified as well.
func main() {
v1 := (true && false) && (true && false) // Noncompliant
A chain of if/else if statements is evaluated from top to bottom. At most, only one branch will be executed: the first one with a condition that evaluates to true.
Therefore, duplicating a condition automatically leads to dead code. Usually, this is due to a copy/paste error. At best, it’s simply dead code and at worst, it’s a bug that is likely to induce further bugs as the code is maintained, and obviously it could lead to unexpected behavior.
func example(condition1, condition2 bool) {
if condition1 {
} else if condition1 { // Noncompliant
Formatted SQL queries can be difficult to maintain, debug and can increase the risk of SQL injection when concatenating untrusted values into the query. However, this rule doesn’t detect SQL injections (unlike rule S3649), the goal is only to highlight complex/formatted queries.
func getName(db *sql.DB, id string) (string, error) {
var name string
row := db.QueryRow("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = " + id) // Sensitive
if err := row.Scan(&name); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return name, fmt.Errorf("No name found for id %s", id)
return name, nil
A typical code smell known as unused function parameters refers to parameters declared in a function but not used anywhere within the function’s body. While this might seem harmless at first glance, it can lead to confusion and potential errors in your code. Disregarding the values passed to such parameters, the function’s behavior will be the same, but the programmer’s intention won’t be clearly expressed anymore. Therefore, removing function parameters that are not being utilized is considered best practice.
func compute(start int) { // Noncompliant; start is not used
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
sum += i
fmt.Println("Result:", sum)
Some statements (return, break, continue, goto, switch) and throw
expressions move control flow out of the current code block. So any unlabeled statements that come after such a jump are unreachable, and either this dead code should be removed, or the logic should be corrected.
func add(x, y int) int {
return x + y // Noncompliant
z := x + y // dead code
Hard-coding a URI makes it difficult to test a program for a variety of reasons:
path literals are not always portable across operating systems
a given absolute path may not exist in a specific test environment
a specified Internet URL may not be available when executing the tests
production environment filesystems usually differ from the development environment
In addition, hard-coded URIs can contain sensitive information, like IP addresses, and they should not be stored in the code.
For all those reasons, a URI should never be hard coded. Instead, it should be replaced by a customizable parameter.
Further, even if the elements of a URI are obtained dynamically, portability can still be limited if the path delimiters are hard-coded.
This rule raises an issue when URIs or path delimiters are hard-coded.
file, err := os.Open("accounts.txt") // Noncompliant
if err != nil {
bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile("accounts.txt") // Noncompliant
if err != nil {
There is no reason to re-assign a variable to itself. Either this statement is redundant and should be removed, or the re-assignment is a mistake and some other value or variable was intended for the assignment instead.
func (user *User) rename(name string) {
name = name // Noncompliant
This rule applies whenever an `if statement is followed by one or more else if statements; the final else if should be followed by an else statement.
The requirement for a final else statement is defensive programming.
The else statement should either take appropriate action or contain a suitable comment as to why no action is taken. This is consistent with the requirement to have a final default clause in a switch` statement.
if x == 0 {
} else if x == 1 {
Nested control flow statements such as if, for, while, switch, and try
are often key ingredients in creating
what’s known as “Spaghetti code”. This code smell can make your program difficult to understand and maintain.
When numerous control structures are placed inside one another, the code becomes a tangled, complex web. This significantly reduces the code’s readability and maintainability, and it also complicates the testing process.
if condition1 { // Compliant - depth = 1
/* ... */
if condition2 { // Compliant - depth = 2
/* ... */
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ { // Compliant - depth = 3, not exceeding the limit
/* ... */
if condition4 { // Noncompliant - depth = 4
if condition5 { // Depth = 5, exceeding the limit, but issues are only reported on depth = 4
/* ... */
Duplicated string literals make the process of refactoring complex and error-prone, as any change would need to be propagated on all occurrences.
func run() {
prepare("This should be a constant") // Noncompliant; 'This should ...' is duplicated 3 times
execute("This should be a constant")
release("This should be a constant")
The switch statement should be used only to clearly define some new branches in the control flow. As soon as a case clause contains too many statements this highly decreases the readability of the overall control flow statement. In such case, the content of the case
clause should be extracted into a dedicated method.
func foo(tag int) {
switch tag {
case 0:
case 1:
Two {func_name}s having the same implementation are suspicious. It might be that something else was intended. Or the duplication is intentional, which becomes a maintenance burden.
func fun1() (x, y int) {
a, b := 1, 2
b, a = a, b
return a, b
func fun2() (x, y int) { // Noncompliant; duplicates fun1
a, b := 1, 2
b, a = a, b
return a, b
Hardcoding IP addresses is security-sensitive. It has led in the past to the following vulnerabilities:
Today’s services have an ever-changing architecture due to their scaling and redundancy needs. It is a mistake to think that a service will always have the same IP address. When it does change, the hardcoded IP will have to be modified too. This will have an impact on the product development, delivery, and deployment:
The developers will have to do a rapid fix every time this happens, instead of having an operation team change a configuration file.
It misleads to use the same address in every environment (dev, sys, qa, prod).
Last but not least it has an effect on application security. Attackers might be able to decompile the code and thereby discover a potentially sensitive address. They can perform a Denial of Service attack on the service, try to get access to the system, or try to spoof the IP address to bypass security checks. Such attacks can always be possible, but in the case of a hardcoded IP address solving the issue will take more time, which will increase an attack’s impact.
config, err := ReadConfig("properties.ini")
ip := config["ip"]
port := config["ip"]
SocketClient(ip, port)
Developers often use TODO tags to mark areas in the code where additional work or improvements are needed but are not implemented immediately. However, these TODO tags sometimes get overlooked or forgotten, leading to incomplete or unfinished code. This rule aims to identify and address unattended TODO tags to ensure a clean and maintainable codebase. This description explores why this is a problem and how it can be fixed to improve the overall code quality.
func foo() {
Having all branches of a switch or if chain with the same implementation indicates a problem.
In the following code:
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::{example}[]
Either there is a copy-paste error that needs fixing or an unnecessary switch or if chain that should be removed.
if b == 0 { //no issue, this could have been done on purpose to make the code more readable
} else if b == 1 {
In Unix file system permissions, the “others
” category refers to all
users except the owner of the file system resource and the members of the group
assigned to this resource.
Granting permissions to this category can lead to unintended access to files or directories that could allow attackers to obtain sensitive information, disrupt services or elevate privileges.
import (
func main() {
err := os.Chmod("/tmp/fs", 0777) // Sensitive
if err != nil {
`if statements with conditions that are always false have the effect of making blocks of code non-functional. if statements with conditions that are always true are completely redundant, and make the code less readable.
There are three possible causes for the presence of such code:
An if statement was changed during debugging and that debug code has been committed.
Some value was left unset.
Some logic is not doing what the programmer thought it did.
In any of these cases, unconditional if` statements should be removed.
if true {
if false {
Empty statements represented by a semicolon ; are statements that do not perform any operation. They are often the result of a typo or a misunderstanding of the language syntax. It is a good practice to remove empty statements since they don’t add value and lead to confusion and errors.
func doSomething() {
; // Noncompliant
func doSomethingElse() {
fmt.Println("doSomethingElse");; // Noncompliant - double useless ;
Cryptographic hash algorithms such as MD2, MD4, MD5, MD6, HAVAL-128, HMAC-MD5, DSA (which uses SHA-1), RIPEMD, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, HMACRIPEMD160 and SHA-1 are no longer considered secure, because it is possible to have collisions
(little computational effort is enough to find two or more different inputs that produce the same hash).
import (
func calculateHash(data []byte) string {
hashInstance := crypto.Hash.New(crypto.MD5) // Sensitive
hash := hashInstance.Sum(nil)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash)
The requirement for a final default
clause is defensive programming. The clause should either take appropriate action, or contain a suitable comment as to why no action is taken.
switch tag { // Noncompliant - default case is missing
case 0, 1, 2, 3:
case 4, 5, 6, 7:
Because it is easy to extract strings from an application source code or binary, credentials should not be hard-coded. This is particularly true for applications that are distributed or that are open-source.
In the past, it has led to the following vulnerabilities:
Credentials should be stored outside of the code in a configuration file, a database, or a management service for secrets.
This rule flags instances of hard-coded credentials used in database and LDAP connections. It looks for hard-coded credentials in connection strings, and for variable names that match any of the patterns from the provided list.
It’s recommended to customize the configuration of this rule with additional credential words such as “oauthToken”, “secret”, …​
func connect() {
user := getEncryptedUser()
password:= getEncryptedPass() // Compliant
url := "login=" + user + "&passwd=" + password
Nested `switch structures are difficult to understand because you can easily confuse the cases of an inner switch as belonging to an outer statement. Therefore nested switch statements should be avoided.
Specifically, you should structure your code to avoid the need for nested switch statements, but if you cannot, then consider moving the inner switch` to another function.
func foo(x,y int) {
switch x {
case 0:
switch y { // Noncompliant; nested switch
// ...
case 1:
// ...
// ...
A naming convention in software development is a set of guidelines for naming code elements like variables, functions, and classes. {identifier_capital_plural} hold the meaning of the written code. Their names should be meaningful and follow a consistent and easily recognizable pattern. Adhering to a consistent naming convention helps to make the code more readable and understandable, which makes it easier to maintain and debug. It also ensures consistency in the code, especially when multiple developers are working on the same project.
This rule checks that {identifier} names match a provided regular expression.
func doSomething(my_param int) { // Noncompliant
var local_ int; // Noncompliant